407: Boards Are Like Sandwiches

Mihir Shah of Royal Circuits joined us to talk about how PCBs are fabricated and how companies are funded. Mihir was CEO of InspectAR before they were acquired by Cadence.

Mihir works for Royal Circuits and runs a newsletter called TheAnalog.io

We talked about InspectAR on Embedded 384: What Is a Board File? with Liam Cadigan.

Transcript for this show

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350: The State of the Empire Is Good

Ben Hencke (@ledmage, @im889) updated us on blinking lights and running a small hardware business. You can find the current PixelBlaze in the ElectoMage store on Tindie (tindie.com/stores/electromage/) or signup for a shiny new version on CrowdSupply.

Ben’s personal site (bhencke.com) has lots of projects including a page devoted to the awesome Pixelblaze projects (including the BioTronEsis alien light sea creatures which someone who hosts this show hopes will be in her Christmas stocking and the post about leaded solder discussed in the show).

When Ben is making Pixelblaze, the brand is ElectroMage (electromage.com/) so you can see more about Pixelblaze there including the forum.

We didn’t talk about TapGlo, the arcade ping pong table that Ben is also working on.

Favorite solder paste: LOCTITE GC 10 paste (henkel-adhesives)

About his favorite acronym, Ben says, “XMLHttpRequest is my favorite because it perfectly illustrates how we're (developers) bad at naming things and like to come up with arbitrary rules for things. The story about how XML is all caps and Html is camel case is just too perfect, and it's popular use rarely has anything to do with XML”

Finally, There are 40 different flavors of Kit Kat. There are 12 flavors of candy corn, they all taste the same.