Love Notes to Newton

Not that long ago, tech pundits would run articles like “The biggest technology flops in history” and “Apple’s Worst Products and Biggest Failures”. These lists would always contain Apple’s Newton handheld computer. Was it a failure? I don’t think so, but you can decide for yourself.

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The Case for the Default Case

In a previous post, Andrei discussed the switch statement. In this post, he gives a more indepth review of switch and then deeply dives into the default case.

Rather than just leaving it out, default can be used to detect the impossible. Read on to handle whoopses, neutrino hits, and beer. And remember, be assertive, but be kind to your future self.

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I Apply SPI: Good Vibrations

This week, we take a look at the firmware involved in using the SPI bus. From the function calls to control the select pin then send out some data via the SPI bus, the form and specifics of the command structure for an accelerometer, and then we get some data flowing.

Busted data sheets, 16-bit values, and right handed chips - how can you pass this up?

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