78: Happy Cows

Chris Svec (@christophersvec) has an idea about adding empathy to software development. It is a good idea.

His blog is Said Svec. He works for iRobot and they are hiring. (Chris' email is given toward the end of the show but if you hit the contact link here, we'll pass along info to him.) 

Obligatory cat video

Embedded has an episode devoted to impostor syndrome

O'Reilly's Head First book series is pretty awesome.

Elecia is still talking about Thinking, Fast and Slow as a great way to understand brains. Chris Svec also recommends Make It Stick.

The Richard Hamming quote came from his address to the Naval Postgraduate School. The whole lecture is available on YouTube.

75: End up in a Puppy Fight

Glenn Scott and Nacho Solis spoke with Elecia about content-centric networking, being research scientists, and working at PARC.

[Note: Elecia was the recording engineer and her inexperience showed by not hitting that other little button on the software. Nacho's mic ended up bad but Chris mostly fixed it... the sound gets better after the first five minutes.]

Twitter: Nacho (@isolis), CCN (@projectccnx), and PARC (@PARCInc

CCNX website (includes contact link)

CCN enabled Riot OS

73: That's a Waste of Bits

Christopher and Elecia look through listener email, check in on what past guests are up to, and consider the best and worst of science in recent fiction. 

Hackaday Prize Finalists (and the 50 Semiinalists)

Saleae Logic Pro 16 (related: Drive the Boat with a Wii Mote)

Darma Kickstarter (related: Resonant Frequency of My Butt)

Peep sign up to be notified of their Kickstarter (related: Vision for Simple Minds)

EMSL Halloween round up and open house on Nov 13 (related: Mwahahaha Session)

Silicon Chef Hackathon results (related: Dancing with Hundreds of Women)

Pan-CJK fonts (related: The Tofu Problem)

The Martian (Amazon) (There is a tiny spoiler, one Elecia doesn't think merits the warning but Christopher says to skip 55:00 to 01:02:55 if you want to read the book cold.)

Don's I Snooze Remote

72: This is My NASA Phone

Emile Petrone (@emilepetrone) talked with Chris and Elecia about Tindie: buying, selling, changing the rate of hardware innovation, having a burgeoning start up, connecting government agencies to craft electronics, etc. 

We talked about many amazing projects on Tindie but there were so many, it is hard to call them out. Arduboy and AirPi Raspberry Pi weather station are two that stood out.

71: Dirty Your Mindscape

Intellectual property attorney Judith Szepesi (@Judith_IP) discusses what Elecia (and startups) need to know about patenting.

Judith is a founding partner at HIPLegal, LLP. They will soon have a guide to addressing patent trolls (link to be added when available).

Ask Patents - a Stack Exchange site to discuss patents (and patent trolls) 

Judith and Elecia both recommend the Patent It Yourself book from NOLO Press (always get the latest of this). Even if you seek legal counsel, you'll have a better idea of what should happen through the process. [Note: we got to talking after the show and Judith reminded me that if you do research for other people's patents, you should track that because you have an obligation to tell the patent office about whatever you are aware of that is relevant. -El]

69: Look at This Entire Aisle of Standoffs

Mike Szczys (@Szczys) discusses @Hackaday, the SPACE! prize, being a professional musician, and visiting Silicon Valley.

Hackaday.com blog including Mike's post about Why Open Design is the way forward 

Hackaday.io project site

Hackaday Prize

Supply Frame FindChips and (upcoming) Parts.io

In response to a listener question, Elecia wrote a blog post about things to do in Silicon Valley. When Mike visited for the first time, he caught many highlights: he went to HSC/Halted, enjoying how organized it is, woke up early for the De Anza electronics flea market, and had a ball at the Computer History Museum

Mike's Science Friday segment

68: Dancing with Hundreds of Women

Angie Chang (@thisgirlangie) joined us to talk about the coding bootcamp Hackbright Academy, their upcoming hardware hackathon, Girl Geek Dinners, and the extreme awkwardness of networking.

Sign up to be a hackathon mentor (not gender limited) or to be on the waitlist to attend (women only). Get your team together on Hackathon IO.

Sign up to be a Hackbright Academy mentor.

Oh look! Elecia signed up to speak on Sunday!

Grace Hopper Conference

The article on Peter Thiel and women founders by Kate Losse that Chris referenced toward the end of the show.

67: Software for Things that Can Kill People

In front of a live audience, Chris and Elecia talk about their experiences with FAA and FDA.

This show was recorded live in front of the Silicon Valley Automotive Open Source meetup group at Hacker Dojo

The Wikipedia article on DO-178B is a good place to get an overview of the FAA process (even for other levels of concern).

For FDA, their guidance is the best place to start. Also see their 510k information. Finally, note that all class III (3, very high risk) require the more difficult Premarket Approval (PMA) process.

Everything we know about car safety certification, we learned by reading Wikipedia's ISO-26262, including Automotive Safety Integrity Level (ASIL).

Jack Ganssle's Embedded.fm episode was Being a Grownup Engineer.

Photo by Alison Chaiken

Photo by Alison Chaiken

66: As Simple as Possible

Jack Gassett (@gadgetfactory) is the creator of the open source FPGA Papilio development board. He joins Chris and Elecia to answer the age-old question of how to get started with FPGAs.

Jack's company is Gadget Factory.

Chris got the Papilio Pro and Arcade MegaWing.

Recommended reading:

Chris and Elecia will be recording live at Hacker Dojo in Mountain View, CA on Monday, September 8, 2014 at 7 P.M. RSVP!

65: Resonant Frequency of My Butt

Darma (@Darma_inc) is a nascent start-up focusing on optical sensors in a seat cushion to aid in posture, stress reduction, and meditation. Chris and Elecia speak with CEO Dr. Junhao Hu and Sharif Kassatly about building a company, going through the Haxlr8r's accelerator program, and choosing a crowd funding platform.

Keep up with Darma on their webpage and on their Facebook page.

One of their advisors is NASA's Dr. Joan Vernikos, author of Sitting Kills, Moving Heals

64: Making Making Embedded Whoops

WHOOPS! We didn't record Elecia's mic this week and are taking a track direct from Chris' computer mic. Sound quality is not up to our normal standards. Sorry!

Chris (@stoneymonster) hosted the show, asking Elecia (@logicalelegance) what it was like to write her Making Embedded Systems book. (Thanks to Chris Svec for the request!)

Put in your idea to O'Reilly

Write a novel this November with NaNoWriMo

Come hear Chris and Elecia talk about writing software that can kill you at Hacker Dojo in Mountain View on Monday September 8, 2014, 7pm. Sign up!

Also, bonus quotes:

"Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing." - Benjamin Franklin

"Almost anyone can be an author; the business is to collect money and fame from this state of being." - A. A. Milne

63: Dingo-Rabbit Deathmatch

Steve Dalton (@spidie) told us about starting a hackerspace, visiting Silicon Valley with a homebrew incubator group, and tech and fencing Australia. 

Gold Coast Tech Space started off building the Rep Rap 3D printer

Steve's consulting group is Refactor

Silicon Lakes incubator just opened a call for applications to the SURF accelerator

The Arduino-like GCDuino, available on Little Bird

Rabbits are not indigenous and not appreciated in Australia. They have the rabbit proof fence and the Easter Billby

Steve had a podcast Six Degrees and now also listens to STEAM and Engineering Commons.

Steve's Hackaday Prize entry: What the Chook (also, Stuart's Wifi Rocks).

62: Costs a Penny to Go to the Bathroom

Josh Bleecher Snyder (@offbymany) joined us to talk about PayPal's Beacon, being acquired, the Go programming language, BTLE, computer vision, and working at a large company after founding small ones.

Bluetooth Low Energy: A Developer's Handbook by Robin Heydon

TI CC2540 BTLE module

Learning OpenCV: Computer Vision by Gary Bradski and Adrian Kaehler

Gatt is a Go package for building Bluetooth Low Energy peripherals (video description by Josh from GopherCon 2014)


Machine learning's Theano

Eigen Library for matrix math

61: I Want Programmable Pants

Jen Costillo (@rebelbotJen) brings Fashion Professor Kyle Chan to discuss wearables from a different perspective.

California College of the Arts' Summer Series: Design of Wearables. Jen and Kyle's session is Fashionably Practical on Wedneday, August 6th, 2014 8:15pm-10pm in San Francisco.

Sparkfun conductive ribbon and thermochromatic pigment (blue)

Athos athletic body monitoring

Cute Circuit's photonic couture

Smoke dress (neat!)

Necomimi: thought controlled cat ear headband

Reebok Checklight for detecting concussions and the Adafruit teardown

Hövding scarf airbag for cyclists

60: Fun Things You Can Make Out of Beagles

Jason Kridner (@Jadon) joined us to talk about the BeagleBone Black... and other things.

Some good books for Beagle :

BotSpeak - A programming language for internet endpoints

To contact Jason about ordering a bunch of units for your OEM use, see his contact info on BeagleBoard.org's About page.