493: Put the Peeps in the Chili Pot
Elecia and Chris talk with each other about the state of Chris’ mind, what makes an embedded developer stand out, “LEGO block” based design, unit tests, and astronomy. Whew!
Elecia was recently on the Changelog podcast, talking about the world of embedded systems.
Chris has been working with Micropython (we talked with Damien George about Micropython on episode 456). He’s using a Pyboard to start, but is looking to move on to this board from Sparkfun. Wikipedia has a nice reference on what the pulse-per-second signal is all about.
Elecia talked about her experience using CFFI to drive unit tests. She also talked about some facts from Information is Beautiful.
Chris’ telescope is the ZWO Seestar S50. There’s also a smaller Seestar S30 now which has a wider field-of-view.
Title reference (Chris and Elecia both thoroughly enjoyed The Good Place, the TV show this is taken from.)
Nordic Semiconductor has been the driving force for Bluetooth Low Energy MCUs and wireless SoCs since the early 2010s, and they offer solutions for low-power Wi-Fi and global Cellular IoT as well. If you plan on developing robust and battery-operated applications, check out their hardware, software, tools, and services.
On academy.nordicsemi.com, you’ll find Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, and cellular IoT courses, and the Nordic DevZone community covers technical questions: devzone.nordicsemi.com.
Oh, and don’t forget to enter Nordic Semiconductor’s giveaway contest! Just fill out the entrance form, and you're in the running. Good luck!
Here’s one of the astrophotos Chris has taken:
The Horsehead and Flame nebulae in Orion taken from a Seestar S50