228: Pedantic or Andrantic
The Amp Hour and Embedded join up to send a holiday letter to listeners.
Chris G is ever improving Contextual Electronics. Chris W has a new band: 12ax7. Elecia still has a book: Making Embedded Systems.
Amp Hour episodes mentioned in this one:
- 372: Where Chris and Dave talk about 2017
- 304: Alexa jokes
- 281: The first Amp Hour / Embedded show, with call ins
- 256: The first time Chris W was on the Amp Hour
- 187: Elecia joined the Amp Hour for the first time
Embedded episodes mentioned:
- 223: Where Chris talks about his new synth habit
- 227: Talking about Udacity and learning
- 203: EE Charlie talks about good design
We talked about teaching which led to:
- Short mention of Dreyfus model of skill acquisition of which Chris G’s friend Mel did a great explanatory comic
- Daniel Spalding’s How to Teach Adults (pdf)
- Dan Luu’s Learning To Program post
- Udacity’s Self Driving Car courses
- Computer vision with Python OpenCV
- Article on how the difficulty is the point of teaching literature
- The new art and engineering Function Podcast
- Hilarious World of Depression podcast
Books we are reading!
- Build Your Own Transistor Radio by Ron Quan
- The Hobbyist’s Guide to RTL-SDR by Carl Laufer
- Spineless by Juli Berwald about Jellyfish
- Lost Art of Reading Nature’s Signs by Tristan Gooley
- Into the Drowning Deep by Mira Grant (terrifying mermaids)
- Catseye by Andre Norton
- Teach Beyond Your Reach by Robin Neidorf
- Mastery by George Leonard
- Understanding By Design by Grant Wiggins and Jay McTighe
- Making Learning Whole by David Perkins
- How to Be Miserable: 40 Strategies You Already Use by Randy Paterson
Elecia got a JTrace Pro Cortex-M for herself for Christmas. Chris W got a Moog Werkstatt and an assortment of Teenage Engineering small synths. Chris G mostly got sweaters because Chicago is very cold.
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