Cheating On Tests

Have you heard about the VW diesel emissions scandal? The software detects that the car is being tested for emissions and changes the engine to function more cleanly. When not being tested, the vehicles do not meet the US Environmental Protection Agency’s emission requirements.

I’m incensed at this. Oh, not because I own a VW (I don’t) or because I’m an environmentalist (I am). I’m angry because there is an embedded software engineer who wrote this code and allowed it to get released to production.

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Welcome to Blog

We want a space where we can point people for further investigation of ideas presented on the podcast. We want a place to put the thoughts that don’t fit with an audio show. We want to collaborate with other people on different perspectives of embedded systems and engineering. We want to practice writing for people as well as computers.

We want a lot of things. To get from here to there requires work. We can’t do it alone so we’ve invited a few contributors to share the writing. I’m pleased to have Andrei Chichak and Chris Svec join my co-host Christopher White and myself in this endeavor.

The goal is for each of us to post once a week. We’ll talk about the classes we teach and the approaches we like in embedded software education. We’ll dive deeper into tangents from the podcast. We’ll talk about our current projects. We’ll kibitz about code, languages, processors, and sensors. And we’ll share a little more of the reality of our lives.

We have no idea where this is going or how long it will last. Come back next week and the week after, maybe we’ll have an idea or even a plan. More likely, though, there will be a new story, a new joke, a new piece of technology, and a new tidbit of news.