118: Awesome and Frequently Useless
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Morgan Allen (@captain_morgan) spoke with us about Sphero and Node.JS. This is all not-so-secretly a discussion of the BB8 robot.
Correction: Despite Elecia's repeated insistence that these are steppers, she's just wrong. The motors are DC which only makes sense in a consumer product. More details on this in a later episode.
BB8s from Amazon (probably won't arrive until next year)
More info on Elecia's teardown and talk: embedded.fm/hddg
The BB8 toy is based on Sphero (buy). They have an open SDK and a wonderful education program. Check out the clear SPRK (buy). It also has a teach-your-kids-to-program app that is pretty neat (but doesn't seem to work with BB8 yet).
Morgan has been involved with NodeBots (@nodebotsSF). They use Node.js (wiki) to send Bluetooth serial commands to Spheros. Their issues list is where new meetups are posted.
Johnny-Five is also a popular way to do computer based robotics with an Arduino (or other dev board) as a hardware intermediary.
IPFS: Distributed file system
ESPruino is a Javascript board.
People's Open: Free Wireless Internet and Local Network in Oakland, California. Also in Oakland, check out Sudo Room hackerspace.