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335: Patching on the Surface of Mars

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335: Patching on the Surface of Mars Embedded.fm

Joel Sherrill (JoelSherrill) spoke with us about choosing embedded operating systems and why open source RTEMS (RTEMS_OAR) is a good choice.

Embedded #307: Big While Loop: Chris and Elecia talk about when and where they’d use RTOSs

Embedded #93: Delicious Gumbo: Joel gave an introduction to the RTEMS RTOS

Joel works at OAR Corp (oarcorp.com) on RTEMS (rtems.org). RTEMS runs on many development boards including the BeagleBone, Raspberry Pi, and two FPGA boards: ARM ZYNQ-7000 and the Arty Board.

Joel recommends the operating systems book by Alan Burns and Andy Wellens. It comes in many flavors and editions including Real Time Systems and Programming Languages: Ada 95, Real-Time Java and Real-Time C/POSIX (3rd Edition).

NASA Core Flight System (https://cfs.gsfc.nasa.gov/)

Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System (EPICS) (https://epics-controls.org/)