Ty the Typing Robot
This is the index page for Ty the Typing Robot. It tracks my ongoing adventures through machine learning, computer vision, and robotics. It is a fairly in-depth series with lots of exploration and open source code.
In order of publication, here are the adventures of Ty:
My Arms! They Are Here!: Planning my project and exploring TX2’s object identification
The Sound of One Arm Tapping: Building the MeArm from a flat pack
A Robot By Any Other Name: Breaking the project into pieces and goals
Imagine A World of Robots: Exploring Robot Operating System
On Cats and Typing: A status update on laser following and machine learning
Completely Lacking Sense: Adding current monitoring to the motor control
What’s Up With Ty: Trying to learning enough machine learning concepts to apply them to typing, adding YOLO to the TX2
Pressing Buttons: Exploring end effectors and calibration problems due to using a $50 robotic arm
Hand Waving and OpenCV: Using computer vision to solve calibration problems
Typeypt - A Robot the Types and Teaches: A summary of progress so far as part of a contest entry.
Seventeen Machine Learning Tools: A look at machine learning techniques and their applications.